
Hello, I’m Zoraida and this is my first blog post here although I do have a blog on my Artfire studio – http://zoraida.artfire.com .  I’m excited to start posting and hope that eventually, I’ll be good at it.    
I am an artist at heart- I love to draw, especially in color pencil and I sometimes work in pastels, creating illustrations of natural things like, birds and flowers.  I also enjoy craft of all kinds.  Crochet, calligraphy, painting bird houses – anything made with by my own hands. 
As a person in love with the natural world , I also embrace natural health.  I have a BS in natural health with an herbal studies specialization.  While I don’t work in that field, it is an everyday part of my life.
Creating jewelry is a passion of mine.  I love working with wire especially combined with semi-precious gemstones.  Copper has become my metal of choice not only because of its’ affordability, but I’ve come  appreciate all of the colors and the malleability of this metal.
 Copper is wonderful to bend and twist into all sorts of designs.  It can be bright and shiny, antiqued to look like an heirloom piece or imbued with a color patina.  All of these look fabulous in jewelry and sculpture.  
I have to admit that at one time I looked down on copper in jewelry and would not have considered it worthy in terms of good jewelry. Copper is still considered fashion jewelry by many and although there is nothing wrong with that, I do think it deserves a higher ranking.  It is the first metal to have been mined and there are many examples of ancient jewelry and other artifacts in copper still around today.  Many of which have been decorated with fine gems.

10 Responses to About

  1. Mollie says:

    Had to do a little searching and back-tracking to find your free pattern from the link that AllFreeJewleryMaking posted (http://www.allfreejewelrymaking.com/Brooches-and-Pins/Wire-Birds-Nest-Pin#), and was very happy when I finally did. I agree with you about the copper, it does NOT get the credit it deserves. Thank you for posting the easy-to-follow tutorial; I want to get into doing bead work and this will be a very good ‘first project’ to try.

    • zoraidabros says:

      Hi Mollie,

      I’m glad you found me here. I always post tutorials here on my blog first. Have fun trying out the bird’s nest and feel free to send me any questions and/or progress reports :))

  2. dina Reynolds says:

    I have not been able to find the tutorial! what am I missing? your work is beautiful!

  3. I just fell over your website and instantly liked the things you are making. Especially your latest post with the copper bracelet – it’s just amazingly beautiful. You are absolutely right, copper is a beautiful material. Thanks for sharing your ideas and bringing inspiration to others!

  4. Debbie says:

    I fell in love with everything you make, and you are an inspiration! I now know the direction I want to go with my jewelry making. I adore copper as it compliments most all stones. I majored in art and have crafted for about 40 years. There is nothing I won’t try! I hope I can one day come close to the creativity you have now!

    • zoraidabros says:

      Thank you so much Debbie! I am truly flattered. I too, have always crafted in some form or other and return to other expressions of creativity occasionally. There are so many things to try, oh my. I need more hands and more time.

  5. donnaellisart says:

    i love the warmth of copper, and i enjoy working with it, too– great to see it celebrated here! 🙂

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